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Treating Symptoms from Whiplash with Chiropractic Care

Written By Denali Injury and Spine Center on January 11, 2019

Have you ever been in a car accident? Even a harmless fender bender can result in cases of whiplash that can cause discomfort for days afterward. 

If you’ve experience neck, back, or shoulder pain after a car accident, you might be suffering from whiplash. And, experts note 43% of whiplash sufferers will have long-term symptoms.

After a traumatic experience like this, you need to visit a chiropractor for an assessment of your injuries. A chiropractor can recommend a whiplash treatment plan to help you get back on track, and pain free in short order. 

Whiplash affects each person differently, so we can’t speculate about specific treatments for your case, but we can offer you a general perspective on how chiropractic care can help relieve your symptoms. 

In-Office Chiropractic Whiplash Treatments

If you’ve never been to a chiropractor before, the prospect might seem intimidating. Allow us to put your mind at ease.

When you arrive at your appointment, your chiropractor will examine you carefully. The most common chiropractic treatment for whiplash is spinal manipulation

Otherwise known as a chiropractic adjustment, these terms refer to the chiropractor gently moving the joint into the position where movement is restricted. The chiropractor may use a quick thrusting motion or a slow motion – depending on what is being adjusted.

Another technique involves gently stretching the muscles around the affected joints. The chiropractor may also use gentle pressure on certain trigger points to help relieve tension and pain, releasing tight muscles. 

At-Home Whiplash Treatment Recommendations

Some whiplash treatments begin in the office but require continued practice at home. For example, your chiropractor might recommend McKenzie exercises. Your chiropractor will help you perform these exercises in the office in order to learn them, but you’ll need to practice them at home regularly so that they make a difference in your neck and back.

McKenzie exercises are supposed to help train your nervous system to move with better coordination and control. They’re also designed to help your body move correctly and fix any movement issues that have cropped up after your injury. 

Your chiropractor may also have some ergonomic and lifestyle changes they suggest to help you recover from whiplash. They’ll advise you on ways to perform daily activities with minimal stress and strain. You might need to change some of your habits if they inhibit your whiplash treatment plan. 

Take the first step toward your new, pain-free life today! Call us at (903) 333-6525 to speak with one of our helpful staff members and schedule your consultation.

Posted In: Chiropractic Whiplash Treatment